Reading so many of your posts made me realize that this is hard for everyone! As I read through them I thought, "Yeah, me to!" or "I thought the same thing!" or "No way! really? wow!"
Saturday we gone all day and I definitely did not get exercise in; and then I made a conscious decision to stay up late and work on a project. And strangely, it's hard to eat veggies and fruits when you don't go to the grocery store...which did not happen until this week. So week two was rougher, but I kept saying to myself similar bits of motivation that you all used, "I want this to be a habit; I have to do this longer than just one week!"
I think one of the best thing about this exercising is that it's forced me to do some days at home (not at the gym). Which has given me an opportunity to talk to my kids about exercise and why it's good for them. Not that I haven't before (because frankly, they go to the gym with me, so we've talked about it, but it's different in the home). And tonight was my favorite. Mackenzie, my sweet 4-days-of-being-20-months-old girl, totally did it with me! Sometimes my 3 year old will jump with me during jumping jacks or do the warm-up march, but she got into it! She was doing her version of lunges, and leg lifts, and push ups, and was just having a blast. It certainly made my work out so much more fun!
I hope you all find some joy in this challenge, even on the hard days! I know I am!
How cute!!!