Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 2

If I didn't know it before (I did), I know it now:  my weakness is my sweet tooth.  The other habits come fairly easily to me, I just have to remind myself that I need to get in my exercise, or it's almost 8, or whatever.  But the sweets are killing me!  It seems like everything I have done this week has involved food and people giving me treats.

I am counting calories, though, and my weight goal is actually ahead of schedule.  I just need a plan for avoiding treats, especially in social situations.  Maybe I need to stay home more this week! 

Still enjoying this challenge, although after last week's multiple 100 points, I can see you are a bunch of fitness superstarts, and I have no chance of winning!  But it's a great way to focus, so I am sticking to it.  Hope you all are feeling great and seeing results, too - thanks Angela!


  1. I know how you feel! I didn't enjoy having to choose just one treat at the baby shower I went to. Boo!
    At social gatherings, I've been trying to drink lots of water (or juice, whatever). If there is something in my hand, I feel less of a need to dive into the plate of cookies.
    Good luck!

  2. Thanks Kelsey - I think I'll try your "in the hand" trick!
