Monday, January 14, 2013

Hi, I'm Nicki.

First of all, kudos to Angela for setting this up!  I'm always looking for ways to improve my health and set goals, so this is perfect.  Next, I have a confession.  I love healthy eating!  And I carry a water bottle with me everywhere I go.  So when I read through the five challenges I was thinking, "Easy peesy!" Then I stopped and stared at the one about exercising 30 minutes per day six days each week.  STUMPED.  I've never been someone who works out.  I daydream about being one of those people all the time...but it has never translated into actually doing it.  So I decided to seriously think about whether or not I was ready to commit to this.

The next morning I rolled over in bed at 5:00am and, as usual, my husband was already gone.  At the gym.  He's my hero!  Six days a week he's at the gym for 1.5-2 hours...before I'm even out of bed.

That morning I decided to join this challenge.

I was still sleepy, so I also made my personal goal to be out of bed by 7:00am every morning.  Apparently I was feeling really hard core, because I definitely love my sleep.  Here's to goals and pushing myself!

I majored in Global Studies and Business at BYU and worked as the Assistant Director of the Alumni Association at UVU for two years.  My husband and I have been married for 3.5 years.  We met at BYU and were married a year later in New York City.  It was unbelievably amazing!  We now live in Draper, UT.  Eight months ago I had a beautiful baby boy.  He was eight weeks early because I developed a life-threatening condition called HELLP Syndrome.  Luckily, modern medicine is amazing and five weeks later we brought him home from the hospital.  He's an absolute riot.  I'm now home full-time and I can't get enough of him!

I love photo editing, clean eating, essential oils, reading, and laughing really hard.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Nicki! So good to see you on here! I'm with ya, the water and food part is super easy, but those 30 minutes a day are killer!
