Monday, January 21, 2013

What was up with that week two?

So, next time I'm having a rough go of this challenge business, I'm writing about it to see how many of you are experiencing the same thing, because it seems many of us were having a pretty rough time with this challenge last week! I wanted snacks almost every night after 8pm (eating dinner at 7:30 wasn't helping as I gobbled as fast as I could to squeeze in a treat before 8!), I kept wanting to hunt for chocolate and then find some way to justify my desire for lots of treats (honest - I made an apple crisp that only used sugar in the topping and merrily started telling myself it totally didn't count as a treat because the brown sugar topping was so little compared to the sugarless filling). I even wanted to give up on exercise a few days then just started moving and found 30 minutes gone in no time (thanks in part to our Xbox, Dance Central game, and a fitness game because I didn't want to tell myself what to do for my workout). I was cranky, tired, and just wanted sugar.

*whew* Glad that week is over!!

I kept reminding myself you all were also in this challenge, which helped me many, many times!

Here's hoping week 3 is a little (okay, a LOT) easier!

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