Saturday, January 26, 2013

Small and not so small victories

Earlier this week, I decided to try on my snug pair of jeans. Usually, lately, I have been wearing leggings to avoid wearing snug jeans that used to not be so snug. To my surprise, they were not snug at all!  In fact, they fit just fine!

It made me consider what 2 weeks of this challenge have done for me. By trying to get 4 servings of fruits and veggies in, I'm eating huge salads and feeling great. By eating breakfast daily, I'm not feeling the grumpy low-blood-sugar feeling during my son's lunchtime, making lunch and nap time much nicer for us both. By exercising 30 minutes 6 days a week, I'm getting out of bed earlier, which means I'm accomplishing a bit more during the day, and I'm getting to incorporate yoga which is making me feel a bit more limber and relaxed (typically, my workouts are somewhat intense, 60-90 minute deals done 3 days a week). And, with only 30 minutes of exercise, even if it's while my son is awake, it isn't so long that he feels ignored. Not eating after 8pm has been remarkable; combined with only one treat a day, I can't believe how much less sugar I'm eating. And, this week, I finally stopped stressing about the 8pm deadline as I started getting dinner back around 5pm or so.

Last week, I was ready to give up. This week, I'm amazed at all of the differences, large and small, that I'm experiencing thanks to this challenge!


  1. So fabulous!! I'm loving it! way to go!

  2. It really is amazing how all these things are related! When we make healthy choices they affect other parts of our lives too. Keep up the good work! I hope to have a better week next week....

  3. Good job! That is the best kind of reward!
