Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hello, everyone!
I'm Kelsey. I'm the mother of two rambunctious kiddos (Jared- 3, Rosie- 1). I live in Indiana, so I really prefer not to leave the house much between November and March. I'm deeply in love with my nerd, Ken. I love being social, chocolate and having adventures.
I do not love running. Last year, I had a goal to run a half marathon (for my 25th birthday) and I did! Just pretty slowly at the end there. But because of a crazy tight IT band, I haven't run more than a couple of miles since. Also it was hot out. And now it is cold. (I don't cope with extreme weather very well!) So this year I am trying to mix a bit a running with Pilates on days when I just can't get up the courage to go outside before the sun is up.
My worst health habit is probably eating in the evenings. I eat when my husband isn't home (at work or at camp outs, mutual, etc) and when he is I like to watch a movie with him with plenteous snacks of course. And then the snacks alternate between sweet and salty right?
My personal goal is to not eat chocolate. Which is hard. I'm a chocolate snob, so when my husband wants to woo me he brings home some Lindt or Ghirradellis. I am pretty positive I can do this (I've already braved a Relief Society activity and a baby shower). The question is, can I be a nice person without it?
Hurray for goals!

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about your question all weekend and laughing because for Sunday at least the answer was "no, I'm a grumpy individual without chocolate" which ought to be a huge red flag, but all it makes me think is, SEE! I do need chocolate to be a good mother. I guess I have things to learn. Share your chocolate-less wisdom with us as this goes on!
