Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Good Routine

This challenge has been so good for me. I feel like things got into a good rhythm and that is what carried me through. Drinking water and more fruits and veggies led to eating less of "other things." Which helped me gain closer to a pound a month instead of a week with this pregnancy.

And then I decided that instead of my afternoon nap I had to be on the eliptical during my daily lunch phone call with Ryan. By the time we were finished I was awake again and ready to keep going. I would save all my desserts for the evening, but usually finished putting theboys down after 8 pm and couldn't eat it then anyway!

And since I was starving by 10 I would usually go to bed instead of staying up too much later. Having to record my daily thoughts for my personal goal meant I had my iPod, which meant I set an alarm, which meant I woke up before the kids in order to pray and read scriptures.  It has been so great!

That said, I am thrilled to go back to my exercising only 3-5 days a week. And I hated having to shove my fancy dinner down before 7:59 last night because the restaurant took longer than expected to cook our meal (and since we hardly ever go to restaurants I was a bit bummed!!).

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